Mayhew Adoption Fundraiser

Hi there! We have teamed up with Gobena Coffee to raise funds for our adoption support. 100% of everything you purchase will go towards our adoption (100% UNLIMITED)!  Enjoy the fresh-roasted coffee!  And don’t forget if you spend $50 or more you get free shipping.

We were blessed by the adoption of our daughter two years after starting the adoption process. While waiting for her birth we definitely grew and learned to rely more on God. Now that our daughter is two years old we have again started the process to hopefully adopt a second time. We are so thankful for adoption and the ability to grow our family through adoption.

As an adoption family, we have been able to see so many amazing ways that adoption shows Christ. He adopted us into His family, He chose us and loved us even when we were broken. Adoption is expensive, but the cost we are looking at pales in comparison to how much God paid for our adoption into His family. Thank you for your support!

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