Nylund Adoption Fundraiser

Hi there! We have teamed up with Gobena Coffee to raise funds for our adoption. 50% of everything you purchase will go towards our adoption!  That’s 50% UNLIMITED!  Enjoy the fresh roasted coffee!  And don’t forget if you spend $50 or more you get free shipping!

We have felt a longing to grow our family for awhile now, and have strongly felt God’s direction towards adoption once again. This time around we are a little more experienced and therefore we know more closely the beauty, joy, and heartache that comes with adoption. Adoption is always rooted in pain and loss, but can turn into a beautiful story of grace. As a family we have been honored to walk through that story with Luke, and look forward to adding to our family’s story. This time around finances will be our biggest hurdle but we KNOW that as God continues to direct us down this path, that He will provide exactly what we need. So would you walk this journey alongside of us? Most of all we need your prayers– for peace, direction, and financial provision, and would you begin praying for baby and the expectant Mama? We don’t know either of them yet, but I know that Jesus does!
We are beyond excited and are doing everything we can to be prepared to welcome a beautiful new life into our family. It may surprise you to hear that adoption related costs can easily total up to $50,000 or more. This is why we have set a goal of 10,000 to help ease the financial burden while we are also saving every penny we can! As a part of this process we have applied to some grants and have been given a matching grant through Lifesong for orphans, because of this, 100% of the money that you spend through Gobena will directly to our adoption fund!

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