Gobena Steve Danae color
Steve & Danae with Mulunesh & Gobena, in 2007.

In the summer of 2007, Steve and Danae traveled to Ethiopia to adopt their little girl, Eva. The contrast in cultures was amazing. The Ethiopians they met lived in poverty, but were rich in their sense of community and in the closeness of their relationships.

Gobena (pronounced gō•bĭn•ŭh), a 70 year-old farmer, found Eva abandoned in the yard near his home. “Because she is God’s soul,” Gobena and his wife, Mulunesh, took care of the  newborn baby for about a month.  During this time Gobena and Mulunesh realized that they would not be able to provide for Eva, so they traveled 150 miles to a police station to seek help.  At the police station they learned about adoption and realized that putting Eva in an orphanage to be adopted was the best option for the child.  Eva is now a permanent member of Steve and Danae’s family. She is truly a blessing from God and a constant reminder that there is always hope, as long as there are people who care.

100 Gobena

Gobena’s sense of community inspired Steve and Danae to start this coffee ministry where 100% of the net profits were reinvested in the lives of orphan children throughout the world. In 2012, Lifesong accepted the challenge of growing Gobena… where each bag of coffee sold blesses the lives of children.

So invite some friends over for coffee and Go Make a Difference by choosing Gobena Coffee.