McKinney Adoption Fundraiser

Hi There! We have teamed up with Gobena Coffee to raise funds for our adoption.  50% of everything you purchase will go towards our adoption!  On top of that we have received a matching grant!  Now, that 50% becomes 100%.  That’s right, 100% of what you spend on this site will go towards our adoption (up to our grant amount)!!  Enjoy the fresh roasted coffee!  And don’t forget if you spend $50 or more you get free shipping!!

Our family’s mission has been to listen to God’s voice and follow His lead. Whenever we are approached about adopting, we always say “yes”, and then we Pray as a family something like this “Lord, we don’t know what you want us to do, but we trust that You will open and close door for us. We promise to walk through every door that is open, and we will not close an open door. And we promise to move along when a door closes, and not to kick in any closed doors. We trust you with our entire lives, and we trust you to create the family that we are supposed to have”. Ann and I have two (2) biological children, and have adopted thirteen (13) times. Judith will be out 16th child. And we can’t wait to bring her home.

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